Monday, August 23, 2010

Should of Seen it Comin'

You know those toilet contraptions that shoot water up to clean your bum as a replacement to toilet paper? A bidet? That was almost a great idea. Kind of like the pocket thing you can microwave potatoes in.

But here's the thing: there is no replacement method to either of these outcomes. You can't spray yourself with a hose to replicate the bidet, and, as it turns out, you can't put a spud in a gloved hot pad and have a speedy meal.

I'd love to tell you I read this somewhere, or heard a friend warn me, but no.

I'm the victim of an act of stupidity.

And here's why.

Today was in-service at the high school. It's the day before the my first day of school as a paid teacher, and I spent 12 hours at Clearwater Valley High School. The day started at 7:30 this morning, and I drug my weary bones home at 7:45. Josh and Tom came to visit me for a bit, but for the bulk of the day, I was running from meeting to meeting, and printing syllabi in my spare time.

So isn't it fair that a baked potato sounded pretty good after a long day?

My predicament was the hankering for a baked potato, but not wanting to wait an hour for it to bake in the oven. We don't own one of those nifty little microwave thingy majiggers, so I thought, "HEY! A hot pad glove is basically the same idea!"

This is why I teach English and not biology...

Four minutes later, our little house was filled with smoke and a stink to make your toes curl.

I opened the microwave to one very retired oven mitt, embers and all. And get this: my potato was ruined!

On the up-swing, Kooskia did display one pretty remarkable sunset for our little valley. Next time, I'll make a bologna sandwhich with my wonderful husband and watch that sunset, and leave the potatoes for the experts.

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