Sunday, June 13, 2010

You Might Be a Pastor's Wife If...

Josh's youngest brother graduated from high school a few weeks ago, and it felt like a Blain reunion in northern Idaho. At one point, there were 26 people staying the night at Don and Patty's house, and life became a whirlwind.

Even in the midst of chaos and laughter, Josh's grandma, Phyllis, found time to share a few stories with me and give me one of the most profound gifts I've ever received: a small, pink paperback written by Kathy Slamp entitled "You Might Be A Pastor's Wife If..."

But first, a lineage.

Josh's grandpa, Elmore, is a retired pastor, and Phyllis a retired teacher. Don is a current pastor, and Patty a current teacher. Josh is a fresh pastor, and I, well I am a certified teacher waiting to teach. If anyone can attest to the validity to this book, I'm certain the Blain family can.

As Josh and I wait for our 3:00 church service, I find myself laughing over this book, and wishing to share a bit of what I've found to be personally true.

You might be a pastor's wife wear just enough jewelry and makeup- but never too much.
You might be a pastor's wife if...people excuse their inappropriate language in your presence.
You might be a pastor's wife if...your car has a minimum of 100,000 miles on it (and you think it's a steal!).
You might be a pastor's wife are a schoolteacher or a nurse.
You might be a pastor's wife display gifts in your home that anyone else would hide.
You might be a pastor's wife can make furniture out of orange crates and Christmas ornaments from egg cartons (been there, done that!).
You might be a pastor's wife if...people are shocked when you know the words to old popular songs.
You might be a pastor's wife love a "pounding." (Our church filled our cupboards when we first moved up here during a "food pounding.")
You might be a pastor's wife never sit with your husband in church.
You might be a pastor's wife if...your best friend lives over 1,000 miles away.

And one of my favorites which I find to be very accurate...

You might be a pastor's wife if...when sweet little old ladies say they pray for you, they mean it.

God is doing so much for this small valley, and I'm glad to be a part of it. But, sometimes I find myself sulking a bit, thinking I've fallen in a black hole of trees and mountains and can't get out. And that's when I pull this little pink marvel off the bookshelf, and remind myself to laugh and take heart- little old ladies are praying for me.

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