Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hot Dog Soup

One week ago, our dog Ivan had an ill-fated date with destiny... and vegetable soup.

It was a bright sunny day. Our church was having a picnic in our local park. Ashley had cooked up a steaming batch of her famous vegetable soup - one of my favorites.

I took the soup straight from the stove, put a lid on it, and nestled it securely in the back seat of the car. Excited for a fun afternoon, Ashley, Ivan, and I jumped in the car and drove to the park.

We pulled up and parked the car, got out, and were talking with some people in our church when we heard Ivan start making a LOT of noise.

I can only describe the sound of his voice as screaming. It was relentless painful yelping. Ashley ran to the open window just in time to catch our howling dog as he jumped out, covered up to his back hips in vegetable soup.

We felt terrible, but we are now on a veterinary-suggested regiment of daily washing and wrapping, along with a "slathering" of Neosporin. 10 days since the burn, and Ivan is well on the way to recovery. Our bad-pet-owner-guilt is slowly healing as well.

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