Josh was ordained on Thursday, and Don and Patty, as well as grandparents Elmore and Phyllis, were there to share in the joy of that service. Elmore prayed over Josh, which made the service emotional, but also very special. It was after his prayer that Elmore shared with General Superintendent Dr. Jo Anne Lyon that Josh is a sixth generation pastor, which all started with Elmore's great-grandpa who was a circuit rider for the Methodist church.
After the service ended and we received many hugs from our northwest family, six Blains went out for coffee and desserts.
It was over blackberry ice cream and mozzarella sticks that one of my favorite conversations took place: how to best serve in ministry.
Elmore and Phyllis are retired from the ministry, Don and Patty are in a 25-year stretch of ministry, and Josh and I are just starting.
And here is the wisdom I gathered: love your people, cry with them, and walk with them.
No ministry is perfect, and I know Josh and I will botch it up, but what a joy it is to serve, to love people, cry with them, and walk with them. Josh and I may never have all of the right answers, and we may not be the best counselors, but we can love and cry and walk.
After conference, six Blains and a family of Hawks went to the coast for one very wonderful day. We walked the beach, laughed at our dogs, and ate some marvelous clam chowder at Mo's.
Next up for summer travels, Kids' Camp. We'll make the trek back to Vancouver, and this year, Josh is the camp speaker. Please be in prayer for him!
In between miles on the road, we're also trying to finish our bathroom renovation. I keep thinking to myself...this, too, shall pass!
Love you to all-